Robert Ebel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert Ebel)


(1 - 4 von 27
) Das Öl und der Irak-Krieg: Niederlage der NeoCons? | Telepolis

Nach einem Bericht haben Vertreter der US-Ölkonzerne die von den Neokonservativen geplante Privatisierung des irakischen Öls verhindert

David Robert Ebel Obituary | Star Tribune
Ebel, David Robert 74, a former executive at the Mayo Foundation, died on April 7 in Rochester, Minnesota, of pancreatic cancer. He will be missed sorely by...

Under fire over oil prices, president to press Saudi leader - The...
Robert Ebel, an energy analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said nothing that Bush is proposing ''is going to have any immediate, or

Moneymakers: Five questions with Robert Ebel - Houston › business › energy › article › Moneymakers-Five-questio...
Robert Ebel analyzes world energy issues at Washington's Center for Strategic and Q: What's the next big oil story? What countries should the market ...
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