Robert Hanssen und Fbi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert Hanssen)
(1 - 44 von 115
) Blamage für FBI | Telepolis

Die US-Kriminalbehörde muss schwere interne Sicherheitsmängel zugeben und jagt nun Spione in den eigenen Reihen mit Lügendetektoren und elektronischen Fallen - Ex-FBI spy Hanssen sentenced to life, apologizes - May 14,...
Apologizing before a U.S. federal judge, former FBI agent Robert Hanssen was sentenced Friday to life in prison without parole for spying for the Soviet Union...

The FBI Spy It took 15 years to discover one of the most damaging › time › world › article
An inside look at the secret life, and final capture, of Robert Hanssen. By JOHANNA MCGEARY Monday, Mar. 05,

How an FBI agent risked his life to expose boss as Russian spy
· Robert Hanssen (left), a 25-year career FBI man, pleaded guilty to, among other charges,