Robert Milicevic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert Milicevic)


(1 - 4 von 16

Canberra could have its first 'build-to-rent' building | The Canberra...
Under the build-to-rent model, apartments are solely for the purpose of renting out at an affordable price.

72-year-old Coast developer set to start new projectCourier Mail
— Robert Milicevic, co-owner of Resemble Pty Ltd, the firm developing The Cosmopolitan at 53 The Esplanade in Cotton Tree said he fell in love ... › ...

Freie Parkplätze in Tux - TT Immo - Tiroler TageszeitungTiroler Tageszeitung
Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an den zuständigen Hausverwalter, Herrn Robert Milicevic ( DW at). › autoabstellplatz › tirol › schwaz

Bail granted for bashing death accused - ABC NewsAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
— Stephen Robert Milicevic, 32, from Forde is facing a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. According to a statement of facts ... › news › b...
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