Robert Rinder und Judge Judy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert Rinder)
(1 - 9 von 10

Judge Rinder: farce or infotainment? | The Times
The British version of Judge Judy has earned a second series, but the jury is out on its merits, says Jonathan Ames

My show’s better than yours! UK’s Judge Judy sticks boot into US...
BRITAIN'S answer to Judge Judy only begins his own show on Monday, but he’s already stuck the boot into his US rival.

Robert Rinder: the UK's answer to American chat-show host Judge Judy!...
Britain's Biggest Jewish Newspaper Online

Robert Rinder is reserving judgment on signing up for Strictly Come...
Judge Rinder follows a similar format to America’s long-running Judge Judy, presided over by family court judge Judy Sheindlin.