Robert Shiller und Yale Person-Info 

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Google News: Shiller: Ekonomika potřebuje druhý stimul

[] - Robert Shiller, hlavní ekonom společnosti MacroMarkets a profesor ekonomie na Yale University, včera pro Bloomberg TV krátce komentoval současnou

Google News: Long-term housing recovery in hands of US economy's recovery

[SmartBrief] - The recent home price improvements are definitely a "good sign" for the sector, said Yale professor Robert Shiller, interviewed on Bloomberg Television.

US housing recovery seen possible now: Shiller
[Reuters] - It may mean that we may have changed direction," Yale University economist, Robert Shiller, and one of the developers of the index told Reuters Television.

Google News: Weitere Konjunkturpakete?

[Investor Verlag] - Yale-Ökonom Robert Shiller ist da allerdings gänzlich anderer Meinung und sieht noch keine Grundlage für eine wirklich nachhaltige Erholung.