Roberto Hoornweg Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roberto Hoornweg)


(1 - 4 von 47

UBS appoints Shear, Hoornweg for securities roles ...
UBS appointed Neal Shear, 55, as head of global securities on Monday and named Roberto Hoornweg, 41, as global head of securities ...

Standard Chrtrd PLC Announcements FE Investegate
Then Roberto Hoornweg, the Global Head of Financial Markets, together with three members of his management team will describe the ...

NZZ: Fortschritte auf der grössten Baustelle der UBS | NZZ

Die UBS baut ihre für das «Subprime»-Hypotheken-Debakel verantwortliche Einheit FICC neu auf. Carsten Kengeter, Chef der UBS-Investmentbank, sieht bereits...

Brevan Howard opens funds to fresh outside investors - source |...
Billionaire Alan Howard's hedge fund, Brevan Howard Asset Management, has opened two funds to additional outside investors, a source with direct knowledge of...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Roberto Hoornweg
Vorname "Roberto" (10520)
Name "Hoornweg" (9)
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