Computer-Assisted Surgery, University of Magdeburg
Computer-Assisted Surgery, University of Magdeburg
Druckansicht - Uni-Protokolle.de
Den 1. Preis erhält Rocco Gasteiger (Universität Magdeburg) in Anerkennung seiner Forschungsarbeiten zur visuellen Exploration von ...
Virtual and Augmented Reality group, University of Magdeburgwww.var.ovgu.de › news › 5.php
Interested students should contact Rocco Gasteiger (http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/isg/gasteiger.html) for more information. BrainLab building in ...
Credits: Rocco Gasteiger (University of Magdeburg), Dirk J. Lehmann (University of Magdeburg), Roy van Pelt Eindhoven University of Technology, Gabor ...
LinkedIn: Rocco Gasteiger | LinkedIn
Rocco Gasteigers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Rocco Gasteiger dabei ...
LinkedIn: Rocco Gasteiger | LinkedIn
Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Rocco Gasteiger (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach
LinkedIn: Rocco Gasteiger | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn
My research interests are medical visualization, 3D rendering and image processing. During my PhD, I focused on the visualization and exploration of ...
communitymodules/METKRenderModes.def at master ·...
MeVisLab community modules (previously known as
rocco_gasteiger / Profile
Rocco Gasteiger. User Activity. No activity to display. Personal Data. Username: rocco_gasteiger; Joined: :21:54. Projects. No projects to display.
Bildanalyse und Visualisierung für die präoperative Planung...
Christian Tietjen, Rocco Gasteiger, Alexandra Baer, Bernhard Preim, "Curvature- and Model-Based Hatching of Patient-Specific Muscle Surfaces", ...
AntTweakBar / Forum AntTweakBar (closed): AntTweakBar with VTK
Rocco Gasteiger Hello,. I'm using the VTK (The Visualization Toolkit) library to implement some research-oriented visualization ...
AntTweakBar / Forum / AntTweakBar (closed)
AntTweakBar with VTK. By Rocco Gasteiger on Sat Oct 26, :09 PM, 1, 318, By Rocco Gasteiger on Sat Oct 26, :09 PM ...
Visual Exploration of Simulated and Measured Blood Flow, A. Vilanova, Berhard Preim, Roy van Pelt, Rocco Gasteiger, Mathias Neugebauer, Thomas Wischgoll
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen des ISG
Tobias Mönch, Rocco Gasteiger, Gabor Janiga, Holger Theisel, and Bernhard Preim. Context-Aware Mesh Smoothing for Biomedical Applications.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2013: Algorithmen - Systeme books.google.co.in › books
Proc VISAPP ;2:530–3. Anatomical Surfaces Kai Lawonn, Rocco Gasteiger, Bernhard Preim Otto-von-Guericke University 186 Pener, Schmidt & Hahn.
Interaktive Systeme: Band 2: User Interface Engineering, ...books.google.co.in › books
Genehmigung von Rocco Gasteiger, Universität Magdeburg). Krümmungsabhängige Objektschraffuren. Merkmalslinien deuten auf abrupte Unterschiede in der ...
Dokumente zum Namen
Rocco Gasteiger - Academia.edu
Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
Curvature- and Model-based Hatching of Patient-specific Muscle …
WebChristian Tietjen, Rocco Gasteiger, Alexandra Baer, Bernhard Preim Department of Simulation and Graphics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg .uni …
Semi-Automatic Vortex Extraction in 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Blood …
WebBenjamin Kohler, Rocco Gasteiger, Uta Preim, Holger Theisel, Matthias Gutberlet and Bernhard Preim¨ Fig. 1: A diastolic vortex in the ascending aorta of a Tetralogy of Fallot …
MeVisLab Standard Package Reference
Rocco Gasteiger, Christian Tietjen, Olaf Konrad: InventorModule: WEMGenerate: SoWEM: Converts an Inventor scene to a WEM data structure. converters: Module …
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
ISG: Personal Information about Rocco Gasteiger
Rocco Gasteiger. E-Mail: gasteiger(at)isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de. Address: Dipl.-Ing. Rocco Gasteiger Department of Simulation and Graphics Faculty of Computer Science
Lars Dornheim
Conference articles. Mathias Neugebauer, Rocco Gasteiger, Christoph Arens, Lars Dornheim, Bernhard Preim. Texturextraktion aus endoskopischen Videoaufnahmen …
Veröffentlichungen allgemein
Publications Authored by Rocco Gasteiger | PubFacts
Publications Authored by Rocco Gasteiger
Qualitative Evaluation of Feature Lines on Anatomical Surfaces |...
This paper deals with the application of feature lines on patient-specific anatomical surfaces used for treatment planning. We introduce the most commonly used...
Adapted Surface Visualization of Cerebral Aneurysms with …
WebRocco Gasteiger 1, Mathias Neugebauer1, Christoph Kubisch1, Bernhard Preim1 1Department of Simulation and Graphics, University of Magdeburg, Germany Abstract …
Artikel & Meinungen
Interview: Rocco Gasteiger | medvis.org
First up, we had the pleasure of interviewing Rocco Gasteiger, a successful example of someone making the switch from an academic to an ...
[vmtk-users] Some questions to centerline information
WebPost by Rocco Gasteiger Dear Luca, for research purposes I extract several centerlines from vascular meshes with help of vmtk. It works very well. For further processing I need …
Eurovis Papers | Visualization Blog
The Eurovis conference concluded a few days ago in Berlin. Here are some of the papers that I found interesting. Links for all the papers are not...
[vtkusers] WG: x64 with Cmake for VC2010Express + Windows7.1SDK...
vtk.org] Im Auftrag von Rocco Gasteiger Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Juni :47 An: Betreff: Re: [vtkusers] x64 with Cmake
Dr.-Ing. Rocco Gasteiger - Google Scholar Citations
Titel/Autor: Zitiert von : Jahr: Adapted surface visualization of cerebral aneurysms with embedded blood flow information R Gasteiger, M Neugebauer, C Kubisch, B Preim
Alexander Kuhn - Google Scholar
Graphics Engineer, NVIDIA - 744-mal zitiert - Parallel Rendering - Flow Visualization - Geometric Modeling - 3D Interfaces - Scientific...
Bernhard Preim - Google Scholar
University of Magdeburg - mal zitiert - visualization - visual analytics - human computer interaction - Medical visualization -...
PhD Thesis Rocco Gasteiger defended with summa cum laude ...medvis.org › › phd-thesis-rocco-gasteig...
· (This news was submitted by the Magedeburg Visualization group. We would like to congratulate Rocco Gasteiger with his outstanding work and ...
"Rocco Gasteiger" - MARC.info
Viewing messages posted by '"Rocco Gasteiger" <post () rocco-gasteiger ! de>' (39 msg) [2] Re: [vtkusers] OpenGL with VTK vtkusers 2.
Rocco Gasteiger - Professional Profile - CodeProject
Rocco Gasteiger - Professional Profile - Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.; Updated: 27 Sep 2020
Christian Rössl — Publications - unimagdeburg
WebKai Lawonn, Rocco Gasteiger, Christian Rössl, and Bernhard Preim. Adaptive and Robust Curve Smoothing on Surface Meshes . Computers and Graphics , 40 22 – 35
Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library
WebCurvature- and Model-Based Surface Hatching of Anatomical Structures Derived from Clinical Volume Datasets Rocco Gasteiger, Christian Tietjen, Alexandra Baer, Bernhard …
Publications - mre-web.mevis.fraunhofer.de
WebRocco Gasteiger, Felix Ritter, Bernhard Preim, and Tobias Preusser. Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung (Magdeburg, March 8–9), pp. 325– PDF. Workflow …
RT Journal Article JF IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer ...
Visualizing data streams (e. g., Tweets, RSS, Emails) is challenging as incoming data arrive at unpredictable rates and have to remain readable. For data streams TI Semi-Automatic Vortex Extraction in 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Blood Flow Data using Line Predicates A1 Benjamin Kohler, A1 Rocco Gasteiger, A1 Uta Preim,
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin | springerprofessional.de
In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Workshop
Jahresbericht der Fakultät für Informatik der...
... Magdeburg D Magdeburg Tel Vision, Modeling and Visualization in Lugano an Kai Lawonn, Rocco Gasteiger und Prof t erforschen der Magdeburger Informatikprofessor und sein Team gemeinsam mit des Landes Baden-Württemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der ...
Visual Exploration of Simulated and Measured Blood Flow: Paper and...
Visual Exploration of Simulated and Measured Blood Flow. Click To Get Model/Code. Morphology of cardiovascular tissue is influenced by the unsteady behavior...
GMS | 84. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für...
Rocco Gasteiger - Institut für Simulation und Graphik, Magdeburg Ulrich Vorwerk - Univ. HNO-Klinik, Magdeburg Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen -Ohren ...
Generierung qualitativ hochwertiger Modelle für die Simulation von...
Vergleich zwischen 7 Tesla 4D PC-MRI-Flussmessung und CFD-Simulation Rocco Gasteiger 1, Gábor Janiga 2, Daniel Stucht 3, Anja Hennemuth 4, Ola Friman 4, ...
Publications Felix Ritter QuantiScale: A Study in Redesigning Interactions for Multi-Touch Rocco Gasteiger, Felix Ritter, Bernhard Preim, and Tobias ...
Rahmenbedingungen für Erhalt und Benotung eines Seminarscheines - PDF...
12 Bei Fragen bitte an Alexandra Baer oder Rocco Gasteiger wenden. Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg AG Visualisierung Ähnliche Dokumente.
Curvature-and Model-Based Surface Hatching of Anatomical ...citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › viewdoc › summary
author = {Rocco Gasteiger and Christian Tietjen and Ra Baer and Bernhard Preim}, title = {Curvature- and Model-Based Surface Hatching of Anatomical ...
Figure 6 from Smart Graphics in Medical VisualizationSmart ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › figure
Figure 6 Different hatching style on the surface of vessel and a muscle. (image is courtesy of Rocco Gasteiger, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) ...
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