Roger Cohen und York Times Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roger Cohen)
(1 - 32 von 60
) "New York Times"-Kolumnist Roger Cohen über Donald Trump - SPIEGEL...

Donald Trumps Anziehungskraft auf Millionen Amerikaner hält an; seine Wiederwahl ist wahrscheinlicher als eine Amtsenthebung. Was bedeutet das für Europa?

The Girl from Human Street by Roger Cohen | The Times
In a gripping and moving book, New York Times writer Cohen links his mother’s disintegration to her Jewish identity

Guardian: Jewish writer raises a storm in America with his report from a...

New York Times journalist Roger Cohen is accused of being too critical of Israel

Roger Cohen: My Life In Media | The Independent
Roger Cohen, 51, is the International Herald Tribune's editor-at-large and a contributor to The New York Times. A Londoner, he has spent the past 30 years...