Roger Gale und Politics Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roger Gale)
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BBC News | UK POLITICS | Harry Potter is MPs' choice
The adventures of trainee wizard Harry Potter have topped a list of books nominated by MPs to give to their local libraries.

'Could kill!' MP Roger Gale demands compulsory jabs passports › News › Politics
· CONSERVATIVE MP Sir Roger Gale has claimed those who are unvaccinated do not have the 'right' to be in the presence of those that have been ...

Guardian: Tory MP Roger Gale among latest to win expenses appeals | Politics |...

Member for Thanet North cleared, as are Labour's Ann Cryer and Patrick Hall and Lib Dem Jeremy Browne

BBC News - Politics, Conservative MP Sir Roger Gale: Gay marriage is...
Tory MP: Gay marriage is 'Orwellian'
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Person "Gale" (2)
Vorname "Roger" (11719)
Name "Gale" (368)