Roland Feldhinkel und Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roland Feldhinkel)
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Flomerics Group PLC Announcements › acquisition
Roland Feldhinkel, NIKA Managing Director added: "We are very excited to be a part of the Flomerics Group. Flomerics is acknowledged as ...

Mentor Graphics Announces FloEFD Industry-leading Functionality for...
... thermal analysis of complex electronic products,” stated Roland Feldhinkel, product line director for the Mentor Graphics Mechanical Analysis ...

Mentor Graphics Announces FloEFD Industry-leading Functionality
... for the thermal analysis of complex electronic products,” stated Roland Feldhinkel, product line director for the Mentor Graphics Mechanical Analysis Division.

Flomerics покупает разработчика EFD.Lab компанию NIKA GmbH - FEA.RU...
NIKA's Managing Director, Roland Feldhinkel, added: "We are very excited to become a part of Flomerics Group. Flomerics has achieved clear ...