Roland Hall Person-Info 

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Westboro's Walden 1st in Olympic bid
[Worcester Telegram] - Modern era inductees will be John Clark '60, Bob Alicea '70, Mark Kosinski '81, Karen Anastas '94, Lisa (Chamberlain) Horan '98 and Katie (Bowen) Paoletta

Google News: Hall of fame picks White for governor

[Telegraph-Journal] - FREDERICTON - Carl White has been promoting and organizing sport events around the province for years simply out of passion. Now, the Saint John native will Titan der Straße: Pininfarina Hyperion | heise Autos

Das wuchtige Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé ab Werk war für den Drophead-Sammler Roland Hall nicht exklusiv genug, woraufhin Pininfarina einen...

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