Roland Kuring Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roland Kuring)

News › chronicle › Issuesaction tanker fire - Rawson Memorial Library
in a double-ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Rob- ert Duddleston at Calvary. Lutheran church, Charles- ton, S.C. Music was fur- nished by Roland Kuring of.

Deford mm 1 of 2 - Rawson Memorial Library
Her grandfather is Charles D. Brown of Hol- brook. Roland Kuring of Luding- ton was organist. Cherlyne. Purdy of Detroit sang. "Whither Thou Goest,". "The Lord's Prayer" and the "Benediction." The bride chose a gown of white Qiana knit with Alen- con lace and seed pearls on the bodice, fitted sleeves and.

[PDF] action tanker fire - Rawson Memorial › chronicle › Issues
nished by Roland Kuring of. Ludington, MI. The church was decorated with a large Chrismon trimmed tree and the altar flowers were pink gladioli.

Church Announcements FIRST CONGREGATIONAL ...
The choir is directed by Roland Kuring, who will also accompany some of the numbers on the or- gan. Mr. Kuring studied at Con- cordla College in St. Paul, ...
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Vorname "Roland" (30796)
Name "Kuring" (66)
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