Rolf-Markus Szeimies und Regensburg Person-Info 

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Biofrontera AG | Excellent Phase III results of Biofrontera's BF... |...
Rolf-Markus Szeimies (University Regensburg). BF-200 ALA is applied in combination with a red light irradiation and succeeded to entirely remove actinic keratosis lesions in almost all patients. Actinic keratoses are superficial skin tumors which are removed by BF-200 ALA in a one-time treatment without ...

Limani - Gesundheit - Es kommt Bewegung in …
... berichtete Rolf-Markus Szeimies, Privatdozent der Universitätsklinik Regensburg. Szeimies rät allerdings zu einem Einsatz der Steroide, ...