Ronald Hendel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ronald Hendel)


Remembering Abraham : Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew...
Remembering Abraham : Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew Bible.

UCLA Happenings - Ronald Hendel Seminar - January 26, 2015
Listing of performing arts, museums and galleries, films, exhibitions, lectures, and athletic events open to the entire community. Check it out.

Christen: Bitte erklärt mir den Tod von kath. Philippinern...
81% aller Philippiner sind tiefgläubige Katholiken und doch mussten durch die Folgen des Sturms

Torah Scholars Seek Original Version of Bible — But Does It Exist? –...
Some say the Torah is riddled with corruptions and alterations. Now an international team of scholars is working to fix all that.
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