Rosa Elena Velazquez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rosa Elena Velazquez)


Governor unveils new task force on law enforcement in Arkansas
Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Tuesday announced the formation of a task force that will review Arkansas' standards for police training and operations, community...

Hillsborough County - Kids Along for Ride on Parent/Child Work Day
Michael's mom, Rosa Velazquez, is a Sunshine Line customer service manager. Junior Ginarte, 9, is the son of Sonia Ginarte, a customer service representative with the transportation agency. He has visited his mom at work in the past, and enjoys it. Michael and Junior were particularly interested in the ...

Gulf Coast Media | PTK Earns International Awards
Coastal Alabama's Phi Theta Kappa Chapters hosted a watch party for Catalyst in April in the Tombigbee Conference Room on Thomasville campus. Members,...
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