Rose Nylund und Betty White's Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rose Nylund)
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Betty White's best 'Golden Girls' lines and moments | CNN
Betty White wasn't supposed to play Rose Nylund on

'Golden Girls': Test your knowledge of the classic show's Minnesota...
In the hit sitcom, Betty White's character loved telling quirky stories about St. Olaf — her fictional hometown in Minnesota.

Betty White's funniest 'Golden Girls' moments as Rose › entertainment › betty-white-fu...
A look back at Betty White's best moments as Rose Nylund on "The Golden Girls."Gepostet: vor 3 Tagen

Betty White's best 'Golden Girls' lines and moments - ABC17NEWS
vor 3 Tagen · By Lisa Respers France, CNN. Betty White wasn't supposed to play Rose Nylund on “The Golden Girls,” but we are so grateful that she did.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rose Nylund
Vorname "Rose" (5957)
Name "Nylund" (40)