Ross Kemp und Bafta Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ross Kemp)
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Ross Kemp returns to Helmand - GOV.UK
Five years after Ross Kemp seamlessly morphed from jobbing actor to BAFTA-award-winning documentary maker, he has few regrets: “I think…

Ross Kemp to re-open newly refurbished Go Outdoors store in Milton...
Actorm, author and BAFTA award-winning investigative journalist, Ross Kemp, will be at the newly refurbished Milton Keynes Go Outdoors store tomorrow (Saturday) to officially re-open the doors to the community.

Ross Kemp cuts the ribbon on new GO Outdoors store in Milton Keynes |...
GO Outdoors re-opened its newly refurbished Milton Keynes store on Saturday, with actor, author and BAFTA award-winning investigative journalist, Ross Kemp....

VIDEO: Ross Kemp officially opens Chesterfield's Go Outdoors store |...
Actor, author and BAFTA award-winning investigative journalist Ross Kemp officially opened Chesterfield's Go Outdoors superstore today.