Roy Bork Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roy Bork)


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Elene Bork - WorldNews -
Clarence and Adela (Stark) Tacke. Elene married Roy Bork Oct. 16, ...

From the Past Files of The Marcus News
— and Mrs. Roy Bork, has completed his junior year in medicine at the University of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ahlers of Granville are the parents ... › from-...

Stories | Rotary Club of Glendale (Noon) - ClubRunner
... Roy Bork from Denmark, and today's speaker Jackie Goldberg “The Pink Lady” who is a motivational speaker, teacher, actor, writer and toastmaster. › stories

Winona Daily News - OpenRiver
Mrs. Roy Bork and baby,. Fountain City, Wis. Mrs. Donald Benson and baby, 811 Clark's Lane. Maynard Christenson, 609 W. Wabasha St. › cgi › viewcontent
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