Rudi Ekkart Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rudi Ekkart)


(1 - 4 von 14

As many as 139 works hanging in Dutch museums may have been looted by...
'These objects are either thought or known to have been looted, confiscated or sold under duress,' said Siebe Weide, director of the Netherlands Museums...

139 masterpieces looted by Nazis ID’d
far behind," said Rudi Ekkart, a professor of art history at the ...

Artikelen over rudi ekkart | › tag › Rudi_Ekkart
Artikelen over: rudi ekkart. volgen. Sandra Thie schilderde zichzelf tijdens het moeilijke coronajaar Premium 24 jun. Cultuur ...

Dutch museum masterworks may be Nazi loot, survey finds | Reuters
A commission investigating the looting of Dutch property during the Nazi era said on Tuesday it had identified more than 100 works of art, including two 17th...
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Adolf Pirsch
Vorname "Rudi" (9173)
Name "Ekkart" (12)
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