Ryan Speak und Republican Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ryan Speak)
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Ryan tells crowd that Romney will jump-start economy – The Denver Post

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan delivered a rousing speech Tuesday morning at Lakewood High School, telling the roughly 2,000 in attendance...

Romney, Ryan speak at St. Anselm College | Watch the ...

Watch the video Romney, Ryan speak at St. Anselm College on News Canada. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney attacked President Barack ...

How the Paul Ryan pick is playing for some Illinois Republicans | WBEZ

There’s been glowing reaction to Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's selection as Mitt Romney’s running mate from Republican politicians and pundits, around the...

Video: Condoleeza Rice, Paul Ryan speak at RNC - Election Central

A fre of the most notable speeches from Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention. Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice ...