Said Kissel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Kissel)


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Storm siren not working
[Carmi Times] - Kissel said that the village office's new computers and one new printer have been installed and the network has been set up. The staff will run the billing

Winter fun for free
[] - Kissel said a preserve can be as intriguing in the winter months as in the summer. “Every season A family needn't go to a park or preserve to have fun in

Two schools shine in energy program
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - Eden Hall and Shaler Elementary, in the Shaler Area School District, were two of four Pittsburgh area schools to participate in Duquesne Light's pilot

Gas Co. will turn waste to fuel | Honolulu Star-Advertiser
We are now establishing what might become really large-scale fish farms off the Big Island," said Kissel. "Those farms are going to produce ...
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