Said Majidi und College Of Engineering Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Majidi)
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Engineering “thubber” - College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon...
“As the field of flexible electronics grows, there will be a greater need for materials like ours,” said Majidi. “We can also see it used for artificial ...

Giving robots a “nose” - College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon...
... biohybrid robots that can adapt their ability to sense, feel, and move in response to changes in their environmental conditions,” said Majidi.

Run, robot, run! - College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon...
... serve as a template for soft, robust robots that match the speed, dynamics, and work output of animals and motorized machines,” said Majidi.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Said Majidi
Paul Grossinger
Vorname "Said" (3306)
Name "Majidi" (63)