Said Mortazavi und Iranian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Mortazavi)
(1 - 13 von 18

Kazemi's son finds no satisfaction in jailing of Iranian prosecutor ...
The lead lawyer for both Hashemi and the estate said Mortazavi's arrest would not impact the Canadian case. Trending Stories. › news › kaze...

Iranian 'butcher' Saeed Mortazavi, linked to Zahra Kazemi's death,...
Iran says prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi, linked to the death of Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, has been released from custody

Pro-Ahmadinejad former Iranian prosecutor arrested | Reuters
A former Iranian prosecutor linked to the deaths of anti-government protesters and at the center of a power struggle between the country's president and...

Guardian: Former Iranian prosecutor sentenced to 135 lashes for ...

— He said Mortazavi had been cleared of embezzlement Tara Sepehri Far of Human Rights Watch said Mortazavi was linked with “the most ... › nov
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Said Mortazavi
Pedram Mortazavi
Vorname "Said" (3306)
Name "Mortazavi" (78)