Said Taha und Egypt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Taha)
(1 - 27 von 35

Prominent member of halted Egyptian opposition campaign attacked and...
A leading member of an opposition campaign which was until this week challenging Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in upcoming elections was attacked...

Hamas leader ‘executed’ in Gaza – reports — RT World News
A former Hamas spokesperson was found dead in his apartment in Gaza. Reports claim he was executed by Hamas on suspicion of spying for Egypt.

Insight: Ex-Qaeda allies ready to fight for Mursi in Luxor | Reuters
When President Mohamed Mursi made a hardline Islamist governor of Luxor, it seemed his latest folly to many in this city, and across Egypt, who depend on...

Noha Taha: Living her music career dream in Egypt - Music - Arts &...
Ahead of her performance in Al-Azhar park on 28 June, singer and songwriter of a band that has quickly seen popularity, Noha Taha talks to Ahram Online about...