Sakura Minami Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sakura Minami)


(1 - 4 von 14

Blood from young humans rejuvenates body and brains of old mice
Will the same results be seen if the process is repeated with humans?

Have scientists discovered the REAL fountain of youth by injecting...
ETERNAL youth could be on the horizon after scientists made a breakthrough in rejuvenation.

Real-life vampire alert: Blood of young humans ‘rejuvenates the...
  We probably shouldn’t tell rich old people this - otherwise they’ll be out hunting us at night, like vampires - but the blood of young humans seems to...

Young people's blood plasma 'could work as anti-ageing treatment' |...
Regular injections of blood plasma taken from young people could help fight the effects of ageing, scientists have found. Researchers gave mice with an age...
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Vorname "Sakura" (203)
Name "Minami" (61)
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