Salim Nasser Person-Info 

( Ich bin Salim Nasser)


(1 - 4 von 9
) The CIA and Human Rights: Amnesty Throws Dim Light on Black Sites -...

A new Amnesty International report provides further evidence of the existence of secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe. Three prisoners told the human rights...

Times Christmas Appeal: the forgotten airstrikes that wreaked lasting...
The road from Hodeida to Sanaa had always been a busy one, packed with thundering lorries ferrying food to the capital, a lively metropolis of four million...

Oman's PDO says to lift oil output 5 pct in four years | Reuters
Salim Nasser al-Aufi, undersecretary at the Ministry of Oil and Gas, told the ... LendingTree 3 Banks Introduce New Cards Paying Unusually High Miles ... Dumping American CompaniesMoney Morning Report Subscription.

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Salim Nasser Hamad Al Ghafri Trad, Maabela Industrial Area | Daleel 1010
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