Salomon August Andrée und Expedition Person-Info 

( Ich bin Salomon August Andrée)
(1 - 44 von 101
) Zeppelinexpeditionen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Stürze ins Eismeer und Notlandungen im Nirgendwo: Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts versuchten Abenteurer und Forscher, den Nordpol per Luftschiff zu erobern. Doch...

Historical Events in On This Day
Aug 31 Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope [kinetographic camera], ... Oct 5 Swedish explorer Solomon August Andrée expedition to the North Pole ...

The Andrée Expedition: A tragic tale of Arctic exploration and...
It can sometimes be easy to lose perspective when talking about historical events. Once timelines stretch beyond the horizon of our own recollection, they