Salvatore Gangale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Salvatore Gangale)


In Germania si parla di Calabria, ad Aschaffenburg il progetto...
In Germania si parla della Calabria, presentato ad Aschaffenburg il progetto “Willkommen & Welcome

Wunderbar kulturell kunterbunt, geht es in der Lüttringhauser...
Die Einrichtung Klauser Delle legt Wert auf interkulturelle Erziehung. Von Salvatore Gangale, Leibniz-Gymnasium, Remscheid. Am Stadtrand ...

San Diego Spotlight : Gangale Family in the Swim With Seafood in La...
The meanderings woven through the local restaurant trade by the Gangale family intertwine in a tasty tangle that, were Rossini still with us, might be scored...

When in San Diego, Salvatore's Adds a Fresh Touch of Elegance - Los...
We San Diegans often celebrate the lovely weather we enjoy, but perhaps we also should be grateful for the harsh, grinding summers endured in Phoenix.
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