Sam Harris und Faith Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sam Harris)
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Who is Sam Harris and why did his Trump comments cause such a › ... › Americas › US politics
AP · Who is Sam Harris? ... Mr Harris is perhaps best known for his writings on faith and religion, but he has delved into other topics, all of which ...

Sam Harris - ABC › news › sam-harris
Sam Harris is the author of The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. The End of Faith won the PEN Award for Nonfiction.

Waking Up: Is Atheist Sam Harris Lying to Sell Books? - The Christian...
Author Sam Harris, credited with launching the new atheist movement with his provocative book The End of Faith, is now striving to fill the immeasurable...

Die Hypothese Gott - Gesundheit - Ratgeber - Tagesspiegel
Sam Harris ist nun der prominenteste Atheist Amerikas. Kein reines Vergnügen in einem Land, in dem 97 Prozent der Menschen an Gott glauben. „The End of Faith“ ist nicht nur ...