Sam Ruby Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sam Ruby)


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NewsBee RSS Reader - NewsBee/RSS
Sam Ruby und Tim Bray sind im Augenblick dabei ein Nachfolgeformat namens ATOM zu definieren und dem W3C als Standard vorzulegen. ...

Sam Ruby identifies the IP address | Workbench
Sam Ruby identifies the IP address of every person who comments on his weblog, as you can see by hovering over a name. For message boards and weblog software I...

Open-source guru Ruby leaving IBM for Microsoft - CNET
Sam Ruby is leaving for Microsoft, which isn't surprising, but the fact that he has announced his departure before receiving a formal offer from Redmond is...

BBC Radio London - Robert Elms, With Ruby Wax and Sam Delaney
Comedian Ruby Wax and writer Sam Delaney talks about his book “Mad Men and Bad Men”.
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