Sam Taggert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sam Taggert)


ER's Young Stars Take Over - TV Guide
The staff changes keep coming at ER's County General. In fact, this fall, the NBC hospital drama will have more bodies checking in and out than a real...

Our community volunteers: Halton Hills Newspapers
... Art Effects; Charity Teddy Bear Auction; William Osler Health Centre Foundation; Sue Cizmar; Canadian Cancer Society; Leanne Taggert; Sam Taggert

GRAND FINAL: Encounter Bay v Willunga photos | The Times
The Bays are the GSFL A grade premiers! Action shots by Steve Hull taken on Saturday at Willunga oval.

Greetings, from Queer Mountain Showcase | Academy of American Poets
This month, you'll be gifted performances by Bowen Yang, Dennis Norris II, Kelli Trapnell, Mila Myles, Tyler Ford, and Sam Taggert. They will respond to the ...
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