Same Species Person-Info 

( Ich bin Same Species)


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Taz: Hier spricht der Aushilfshausmeister! » Kairo-Virus 136

Helmut Höge, taz-Kolumnist und Aushilfshausmeister bloggt aus dem Biotop, dem die tägliche taz entspringt.

More on the dangerous change in insect population numbers
This is and will be a huge problem for birds

Believe it or not, they're all the same species
The first comprehensive study of all the fossils, has revealed that the evolution of mankind from ape-like creatures to modern humans via knuckle-grazing...

- Rosa and Karl th anniversary – Onlinezeitung AmericanRebel
Most spoke German but much Turkish, English and a dozen other languages mixed in aside by those same forces – Krupp, Thyssen, Flick, Deutsche Bank and ... One is the return in growing strength of the same species of ...
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Vorname "Same" (96)
Name "Species" (3)
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