Samir Bhavnani und Apple Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samir Bhavnani)
(1 - 19 von 21

Apple Q1 net rises 78%, but forecast disappoints - The Economic Times
Apple is clearly at the top of its game right now, said analyst Samir Bhavnani at Current Analysis. During its fiscal first quarter ended ...

Best Buy to test Apple Mac sales
The Mac experiment is a lot more important to Apple than it is to Best Buy, said Samir Bhavnani, the Director of Research at Current Analysis, ...

10 years after: How Apple rewrote the retail book - CBS News
A decade ago, Apple opened its first stores - a success story closely studied by retailing experts around the world

Microsoft: Warten auf Vista kann Apple beflügeln
· Wenn der PC mit Windows Vista nicht mehr unter den fünf führenden Einkaufswünschen im Weihnachtsgeschäft dabei sei, gebe es Platz für Alternativen, sagt Samir Bhavnani von der ...
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