Samuel Dorner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samuel Dorner)


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Frauenstarke Mannschaft - Dalaas | VOL.AT
Die Waldner Feuerwehr hielt ihre Jahreshauptversammlung im Mascholsaal ab.

2011 bis Tennis Großlobming
Samuel Dorner 1. Felix Herk 1. Janik Poschinger 2. David Kozar 2. Raphael Fressner 2. Matteo Poschinger 3. Sebastian Fressner 3. Raphael Lorberau ... › chronik › bis-2020

Lindenwood Open Fall 2018
Samuel Dorner, St. Charles, MO, Weight Class: 109 Kg Total: Body Weight: Snatch 1: -95 Snatch 2: 98 Snatch 3: 103 Best ...

Olympic Weightlifting Qualifies One More for University › news › oly...
In other action, Samuel Dorner added nine kilos to his personal record total in the 105kg weight class. In only his second competition, he lifted ...
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