Samuel Parkes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samuel Parkes)


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Daily Diary, August 7, | Worcester News
LOCAL CASUALTIES: 9 Privates Norman Duggins, Charles Frampton, Arthur Jackson, John Jagger, Samuel Parkes & George Taylor - Fourth…

Shropshire miner who became a top US preacher is to be honoured |...
He was one of Telford's forgotten historical characters – and today a plan has been revealed that could bring thousands of American tourists to the town, all...

Samuel Parkes honoured with Crimean War memorial - BBC News
· Villagers raised £14,000 for an obelisk in Wigginton, Staffordshire, to remember Samuel Parkes' actions in and others who fought.

Aus dem Gedächtnis: Hochprozentiger Puritanismus - WELT
Vor 90 Jahren wurde in den USA der Grundstein für die Alkoholprohibition gelegt.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Samuel Parkes
Vorname "Samuel" (9235)
Name "Parkes" (135)
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