Sandy Träger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sandy Träger)


(1 - 4 von 11

Emotions high over Florida teacher pay bill
... especially because everything in the bill is so negative,” said Sandy Traeger, a reading coach at Oviedo High School and former Florida PTA president. › news › e...

History - Florida PTA
The first brick was given to Sandy Traeger, Florida PTA President, Governor Lawton Chiles received a brick in November › history

August FLPTA Enews - Back to School!
National PTA President, Laura Bay, joins past FL PTA Presidents (Marge Okasako, Sandy Traeger, Laitha Krishnaiyer, Patty Hightower, Jean ...

Chiles encourages PTA to fight school vouchers
The soon-to-be ex-governor who made children's issues his legacy paid one last visit to the Florida PTA on Friday to thank the group for help in the past...
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