Sarah Palin und Paul Ryan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sarah Palin)
(1 - 19 von 30
) Kommentar zu Paul Ryan: Romneys Vize gibt den netten Hardliner - DER...

Paul Ryan wirkt wie der Gegenentwurf zu Sarah Palin: seriös, kontrolliert, immer höflich. Doch die politischen Pläne des republikanischen Vize-Kandidaten sind...

Sarah Palin Will Fight Paul Ryan for Donald Trump Stance | Time
Sarah Palin said she will support a primary challenger to House Speaker Paul Ryan over his opposition to Donald Trump

Guardian: Sarah Palin backs Paul Ryan's primary opponent as GOP civil war...

Former VP nominee disapproves of speaker’s refusal to back Trump and predicts same fate as Eric Cantor, House leader beaten from right in primary

Sarah Palin Threatens to End Paul Ryan’s Career For Not Backing Trump...
Resistance is “not a wise decision,” according to the former Alaska governor.