Savage Beauty und V&a Person-Info 

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Savage Beauty: Alexander McQueen exhibition comes home to V&A |...
The New York Times’ art elite described Savage Beauty as “a button pushing marvel: ethereal and gross, graceful and utterly manipulative” when it opened at the...

McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition opens throughout night - BBC News
An exhibition showcasing the work of Alexander McQueen has proved so popular that the V&A has remained open throughout the night.

Guardian: Alexander McQueen's Savage Beauty show to come to London | Art and...

Fashion designer's retrospective, the eighth most visited exhibition in Metropolitan Museum's 142-year history, to be at V&A in 2015

Couldn't get tickets to Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty? Tune in to...
The V&A is hosting a one-off Periscope broadcast tour of the record-breaking Alexander McQueen exhibition Savage Beauty on Tuesday July 21