Sean Connery und Dorian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sean Connery)
(1 - 15 von 19

Auf den Bahamas verbarrikadiert: Sean Connery übersteht Hurrikan...
James-Bond-Star Sean Connery wohnt auf einem Anwesen auf den Bahamas. Als Hurrikan Dorian die Inselgruppe heimsucht, flüchtet er nicht, sondern verbarrikadiert...

Sean Connery says he was 'lucky' to survive Dorian in Bahamas
Sean Connery said he was “lucky” to have escaped Hurricane Dorian's fury after it ravaged the Bahamas, where the former Bond star rode ...

Sean Connery fled Hurricane Dorian, says he's 'lucky' his Bahamas...
Sean Connery has revealed he was “lucky” to survive after his Bahamas mansion escaped the worst of Hurricane Dorian.

Hurricane Dorian: Sean Connery describes ‘lucky’ escape as hurricane...
SIR Sean Connery revealed how he had a 'lucky' escape from Hurricane Dorian.