Sean Hayes und Grace Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sean Hayes)
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Google News: Feature Review: Masterworks Broadway Keeps Musical Theatre History Alive

[Musical Criticism] - Sean Hayes – best known for playing Jack in the TV comedy Will and Grace – has a pathos as Chuck Baxter but lacks personality. His singing isn't at all bad

Actor Sean Hayes' other gig? Classical pianist - CNN Video
▶ 2:00"Will & Grace" star and "History of Comedy" executive producer Sean Hayes helped create the main theme ...

Geplatzter Dünndarm bei "Will & Grace"-Star Sean Hayes
Mitten in der Nacht verspürte Sean Hayes starke Schmerzen und entschloss sich sofort ins Krankenhaus zu fahren.

Sean Hayes: Am Set mit Demi Lovato
Sean Hayes gibt Einblick in die « Will & Grace »-Dreharbeiten mit Demi Lovato