Selena Gomez und Twitter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Selena Gomez)
(1 - 20 von 42

Selena Gomez calls social media dangerous: 'It just scares me' -...
Selena Gomez discussed the effect of Twitter and Instagram on young people while promoting

Selena Gomez's takedown of social media is spot on
Selena Gomez has 150 million followers on Instagram and nearly 58 million followers on Twitter. And yet on Wednesday, the pop sensation ...

Därför raderade Zara Larsson sina tweets
Zara Larsson hamnade i bråk på Twitter om Selena Gomez nya serie. Artisten svarade med att radera sina tweets.

Selena Gomez Donates to Cedars-Sinai for COVID-19 › culture › celebrities › selena-go...
Selena Gomez also announced on Twitter that she gave to Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai. She chose not to share the exact dollar amount, but ...