Sergei M. Eisenstein und Soviet Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sergei M. Eisenstein)
(1 - 21 von 24

Guardian: Greenaway offends Russia with film about Soviet director's gay affair...

British director speaks to The Calvert Journal about his latest work featuring Sergei Eisenstein’s hidden relationship with a Mexican man in 1931

Sergei Eisenstein: Who was the legendary Soviet film director who...
Today's Google Doodle hails a master filmmaker who brought Russian history to life

Google honors Sergei Eisenstein, the 'father of the montage'
search logo honored Sergei Eisenstein, a Soviet film director and ...

Who was Sergei Eisenstein? Google honors Soviet film pioneer, 'father...
In honor of what would have been Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein’s 120th birthday, search engine giant Google created a special doodle...