Seth Klarman und Billionaire Person-Info 

( Ich bin Seth Klarman)
(1 - 25 von 38

Klarman's Baupost fund posts losses due to energy firms | Reuters
Billionaire investor Seth Klarman, whose Baupost Group hedge fund ranks among the world's largest and most admired, told clients he lost money last year, in...

Billionaire Seth Klarman, donor to Israel causes, is one of the...
Seth Klarman, whose hedge fund has one of the largest holdings of Puerto Rican debt, has donated through the years to numerous Israel lobby groups ... We don't attack the media, we become a trusted partner and resource – bringing integrity and facts to the coverage using proven strategies like building ...

Billionaire Klarman slams Trump, vows to work for Clinton | Reuters
Billionaire hedge fund manager Seth Klarman said on Wednesday he would work to get Hillary Clinton elected president of the United States because he finds...

Billionaire Seth Klarman backs Clinton, calls Trump's Politico
Seth Klarman, the president and CEO of The Baupost Group, told Reuters that he found recent comments from Donald Trump “shockingly ...