Sevan Ibrahim und Ibrahim-Sauer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sevan Ibrahim)
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Afrika | Ansprechpartner | DW.DE |
Weltkarte Neu Afrika. Sevan Ibrahim-Sauer Bereichsleiterin Programmvertrieb: Ghana Ansprechpartnerin für "Learning by Ear" T.+

DW and Joy News look for Accra's local heroes - › stories ›
“As a trusted source of international news, DW provides global insights to local heroes worldwide,” says Sevan Ibrahim-Sauer, Head of ...

Germany’s Deutsche Welle offers African broadcasters programmes and...
Sevan Ibrahim-Sauer briefed Sylvain Beletre from Balancing Act on how Deutsche Welle (DW) supports African media, especially online media, TV and Radio ...

Zambia local broadcasting houses welcome Deutshe Welle | Nextv News
Mr. Limbourg who was in the company of DW Head of Distribution Africa Sevan Ibrahim-Sauer and DW Director for International Affairs Klaus ...