Sevim Kocak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sevim Kocak)


(1 - 4 von 6

Winterlingen: Der Appell lautet: Im Leben nicht nur Zuschauer sein -...
In einer Feierstunde erhalten 63 Schüler der Realschule Winterlingen in der Festhalle ihr Abschlusszeugnis

Turkey’s president to hold Women’s Day reception
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is to hold a reception on next Tuesday, March 8, International Women’s Day, for a variety of women, including workers,...

Turkey’s president to hold Women’s Day reception
Prominent women from across Turkey to attend event, including cleaners, an ambulance driver, and a stunt pilot

Turkey's senior citizens allowed out for second Sunday
Turkey’s senior citizens have been allowed to leave their homes for a second time as the country continues to ease some coronavirus restrictions.
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Kurbani Kaya
Vorname "Sevim" (947)
Name "Kocak" (745)
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