Shannon Leto und Thirty Seconds Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shannon Leto)
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«Kunst kann einen Menschen ändern» | Basler Zeitung
Jared Leto von Thirty Seconds to Mars über Konflikte und Kreativität.

Guardian: Thirty Seconds to Mars review – empty euphoria from Jared Leto's...

With identikit power-emo songs and vague political sentiments, the Oscar-winner’s rock band are hollow and emotionally one-note

Rocker Shannon Leto's Spanish Grampa 'Fueled' His New Coffee Line
Inspired by his abuelo, Thirty Seconds to Mars drummer Shannon Leto is creating his own blend of coffee called Black Fuel Trading company.

Thirty Seconds To Mars' Shannon Leto Arrested For Drunk Driving - MTV
Shannon Leto, the drummer for Thirty Seconds to Mars, was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on June 16, Monday night, for DUI.