Sharon Barks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sharon Barks)


Obituary: Dorothy Ballard ( ) | NEA Town Courier
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by 1 son, Clifford Ballard and 1 daughter, Sharon Barks. Survivors include ...

Obituary: Dorothy Marie Ballard ( ) | NEA Town Courier
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by one son, Clifford Ballard and one daughter, Sharon Barks. Survivors ...

Obituary: Clifford Eugene Ballard ( ) | The Town Crier
... two brothers, Hubert Ballard of Monette and Jerry Ballard of Gosnell; two sisters, Linda Dozhier of Jonesboro and Sharon Barks of Monette; ...

BBC One - EastEnders,
Despite some disappointing news, Nancy remains determined to go through with her plan.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sharon Barks
Dorothy Ballard
Vorname "Sharon" (6127)
Name "Barks" (26)
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