Sharon MacDonald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sharon MacDonald)


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Taz: Archiv - TAZ

— Sharon Macdonald: Manchmal bekomme ich einen Schock wegen des Ausmaßes, es ist riesig! Aber man gewöhnt sich daran. › ...

Prof. Dr. Gisela Welz
Volkskundliches Wissen und gesellschaftlicher Wissenstransfer: zur Produktion kultureller Wissensformate im 20. Jahrhundert

Double leg amputee ‘making strides’ with St. Michael’s Health Centre...
Paul Pisko is a double amputee. He has been in and out of rehabilitation programs for years after he said he was hit by a drunk driver several years ago.

Concern over end of swimming scheme - BBC News
The end of a scheme to improve the standard of swimming among primary school children brings a warning from the sport's governing body.
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