Shawn Johnson und Gold Medalist Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shawn Johnson)
(1 - 37 von 84

Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson just announced the birth of her...
First, let's take a moment to marvel over the tiny, wide-eyed wonder that former US Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson and her husband, Andrew ...

Shawn Johnson shamed over Instagram video she posted of daughter
· Olympic gymnast and gold medalist Shawn Johnson receives backlash over a video she posted ...Dauer: 2:52Gepostet:

'Like I was watching a horror film': Shawn Johnson on her › story
It's been ten years since a man was caught in what police believe was an attempt to abduct Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson, and she ...

Des Moines Register
Can Iowa-born Olympic gold medalist endure 'Celebrity Apprentice' with dignity intact?