Shawn König Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shawn König)


Ultra Car Wash Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary – The Mirror Newspapers
Shawn Koenig has served as general manager since the business opened, something Mike and Kristen take great pride in, and each customer is greeted upon ...

Ultra Car Wash In Perrysburg Marks Sweet 16th Anniversary – The...
Shawn Koenig has served as general manager since the business opened, something in which Mike and Kristen take great pride. “Having the same manager for ...

Corbond Corp. rooted locally, branching nationally | › MONTANA › Montana Business
· "It's literally like a brick wall, no air will go through it," said Shawn Koenig, owner of Gallatin Insulation, the local Corbond dealer. "And if air ...

Prattville's iconic Jim's Restaurant ending service after 62 years
· He was squeezed into a booth next to Shawn Koenig, whose a bit of a newcomer with this group since he's only been coming here since
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